

video library

Maxi Case

Storage Case

Optimaxx partnered with Alex, the Valley Viking, from Eroic Carpentry to create a fantastic series of video guides that demonstrate Optimaxx Wood Screws in action. Follow this series which will walk through everything from assembling and installing door lining to installing a stud partition. 

Check out all five guides in full by clicking the links on the right.

To the Maxx is a series with an emphasis on our mantra of Optimum Design, Maximum Performance. Tom Cardy is a Youtuber and stunt bike enthusiast who we partnered with to make some extreme stunt ramps using Optimaxx Wood Screws. 

Check out his breakdown on the construction process and watch to the end to see how much air time he can achieve on his Optimaxx sponsored ramp.

optimaxx extreme performance wood screws

optimaxx Decking screws

optimaxx Stainless steel decking screws